MAXFACTORY 2015年10月27日發售: 模型 PLAMAX Series KC-01 驅逐艦X艦娘 島風(1/350 驅逐艦 & 1/20 艦娘) 7,800Yen

PLAMAX KC-01: Destroyer x Kanmusu Shimakaze

A 1/350 scale destroyer with its 1/20 scale Kanmusu both as a plastic model kit set!

Ever since the start of the Kantai Collection -KanColle- the Japanese Navy’s fastest destroyer has been in the spotlight, and now it has been transformed into a 1/350 scale plastic model – the first Shimakaze plastic model to ever be made in this scale! The various parts of the ship have been carefully thought out and separated by different cast colors making for an easy to build and paint model for even beginners to the plastic modeling scene. Not only that, but the details of the ship are also faithfully preserved creating a detailed ship model that anybody can complete!

The included display base includes space for the 1/350 scale destroyer, the 1/20 scale Shimakaze character as well as the included Rensouhou-chan to all be displayed together! The Kanmusu character of Shimakaze is similar to the minimum factory series, and is also an assemblable plastic model pick with color-separated parts that need to be connected together. The eyes are included as decals which can easily be stuck on once the model is complete. It’s a whole new experience to the world of plastic model building brought to you by Max Factory – be sure to try your own hands at putting Shimakaze together!
•The destroyer and character are separated by five mold colors. Simply putting them together even without paint looks great!
•The turret of the destroyer can be replaced with the head of the included Rensouhou-chan for an alternate display.
•The building instructions are included as a full color 16-page booklet. Even beginners will be able to put the model together!
•The various markings of the boat are included as water application decals. The searchlight and windows use foil stickers.
•A specially shaped translucent blue display base is included to display the ship, Shimakaze and Rensouhou-chan all together.
•The package box art features an amazing illustration done collaboration by Yoshinori Shizuma and Katsuyuki Hoshino.

* Photos shown on this page have certain areas painted.
* This model requires cutters and plastic model adhesive to assemble. These are not included.
* Standard plastic model paint can be used to paint the finished model.

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PLAMAX KC-01 駆逐艦×艦娘 島風


『艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-』のブーム到来とともに一躍脚光を浴びた日本海軍最速の駆逐艦「島風」が1/350スケールとしては世界初のプラスチックモデル化!「プラパーツの接着や塗装は初体験」というユーザーにも迷わず製作できるよう考えぬかれたパーツ分割と成型色よって、実感あふれるディテール再現を損なわずに「だれでも必ず完成させられる新しいスタイルの艦船模型」をお届けいたします。専用ディスプレイベースには1/350の駆逐艦 島風と1/20の艦娘 島風や連装砲ちゃんも合わせて展示可能。艦娘 島風はminimum factoryシリーズ同様の組み立て式プラスチックモデルとなっており、色分け済みのパーツを接着し、付属の瞳デカールを貼るだけで楽しめる仕様です。これまでの艦船模型の常識を覆すマックスファクトリー初のスケールプラスチックモデルをぜひあなたの手で組み上げてください!


仕様: PS・ABS組み立て式プラスチックモデル・水転写デカール、ホイルシール付属・艦娘:1/20スケール、駆逐艦:1/350スケール・艦娘・全高:約100mm、駆逐艦・全長:約370mm
制作協力: ハセガワ